Eyelash extensions are generally long-lasting, it can stay until your natural lash falls off, which is a natural process. Yet, you can recognize the different weather, which can affect your natural lash cycle. The reason is premature shedding of your natural lash, which can damage your lash extensions.
Summer is in full wave to heat up, and some tips for your lash extensions make your eyelash extension great. In the warm months, keep the extensions beautiful and in shape with your adhesive. Unfortunately, humidity and high temperature are the natural enemies of the lash extension adhesive. So here we discussed what to do to protect it from the damages in the summertime?
The below-given ways indeed your eyelash extensions glue. Consistently it provides our clients with reliable and quality services despite the heated temperature.
It is best to use it in a stable environment and avoid variations in the temperature. If it is too sizzling and sticky, it can change the adhesion and viscosity.
Showing your adhesive to too much oxygen alters the thickness, and it essentially makes it go wrong. So, in this situation, it is better to isolate your lashes.
Keep the lid tight when you are not using it. Leaving it opened for a long time or frequently open, and close exposes your oxygen and makes it gummier. It is also essential to keep the oxygen out as possible to prevent your adhesive from losing its superpowers.
To rock your life with adhesive after being opened in 6 weeks unless you notice it is getting gummy before then. It means you replace your adhesive volume lashes frequently and ensure it always looks refreshing.
Follow the above-given tips, and you also provide the recommended shallow life of your adhesive. Wisp Lashes even help to run your business without interruption. Even we give consistent and reliable work; we can be trusted to be loyal.